Getting the Tweet Archive

In this Notebook, the tweet archive for each library is harvested and saved to a json-file as [screen_name]_TimeLine _[datestamp].json.

Due to the range limit of the twitter api, only the last 3,200 tweets can be harvested for each screen_name.

Harvesting Functions

In [5]:
# Code from MTSW 2Ed.
# cf.
import twitter

def oauth_login():
    # XXX: Go to to create an app and get values
    # for these credentials that you'll need to provide in place of these
    # empty string values that are defined as placeholders.
    # See for more information 
    # on Twitter's OAuth implementation.
    auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET,
                               CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
    twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
    return twitter_api

# Sample usage
twitter_api = oauth_login()    

import sys
import time
from urllib2 import URLError
from httplib import BadStatusLine
import json
import twitter

def make_twitter_request(twitter_api_func, max_errors=10, *args, **kw): 
    # A nested helper function that handles common HTTPErrors. Return an updated
    # value for wait_period if the problem is a 500 level error. Block until the
    # rate limit is reset if it's a rate limiting issue (429 error). Returns None
    # for 401 and 404 errors, which requires special handling by the caller.
    def handle_twitter_http_error(e, wait_period=2, sleep_when_rate_limited=True):
        if wait_period > 3600: # Seconds
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Too many retries. Quitting.'
            raise e
        # See for common codes
        if e.e.code == 401:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Encountered 401 Error (Not Authorized)'
            return None
        elif e.e.code == 404:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Encountered 404 Error (Not Found)'
            return None
        elif e.e.code == 429: 
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Encountered 429 Error (Rate Limit Exceeded)'
            if sleep_when_rate_limited:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Retrying in 15 minutes...ZzZ..."
                time.sleep(60*15 + 5)
                print >> sys.stderr, '...ZzZ...Awake now and trying again.'
                return 2
                raise e # Caller must handle the rate limiting issue
        elif e.e.code in (500, 502, 503, 504):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Encountered %i Error. Retrying in %i seconds' % \
                (e.e.code, wait_period)
            wait_period *= 1.5
            return wait_period
            raise e

    # End of nested helper function
    wait_period = 2 
    error_count = 0 

    while True:
            return twitter_api_func(*args, **kw)
        except twitter.api.TwitterHTTPError, e:
            error_count = 0 
            wait_period = handle_twitter_http_error(e, wait_period)
            if wait_period is None:
        except URLError, e:
            error_count += 1
            wait_period *= 1.5
            print >> sys.stderr, "URLError encountered. Continuing."
            if error_count > max_errors:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Too many consecutive errors...bailing out."
        except BadStatusLine, e:
            error_count += 1
            wait_period *= 1.5
            print >> sys.stderr, "BadStatusLine encountered. Continuing."
            if error_count > max_errors:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Too many consecutive errors...bailing out."

def harvest_user_timeline(twitter_api, screen_name=None, user_id=None, max_results=3200):
    assert (screen_name != None) != (user_id != None), \
    "Must have screen_name or user_id, but not both"    
    kw = {  # Keyword args for the Twitter API call
        'count': 200,
        'trim_user': 'true',
        'include_rts' : 'true',
        'since_id' : 1
    if screen_name:
        kw['screen_name'] = screen_name
        kw['user_id'] = user_id
    max_pages = 16
    results = []
    tweets = make_twitter_request(twitter_api.statuses.user_timeline, **kw)
    if tweets is None: # 401 (Not Authorized) - Need to bail out on loop entry
        tweets = []
    results += tweets
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i tweets' % len(tweets)
    page_num = 1
    # Many Twitter accounts have fewer than 200 tweets so you don't want to enter
    # the loop and waste a precious request if max_results = 200.
    # Note: Analogous optimizations could be applied inside the loop to try and 
    # save requests. e.g. Don't make a third request if you have 287 tweets out of 
    # a possible 400 tweets after your second request. Twitter does do some 
    # post-filtering on censored and deleted tweets out of batches of 'count', though,
    # so you can't strictly check for the number of results being 200. You might get
    # back 198, for example, and still have many more tweets to go. If you have the
    # total number of tweets for an account (by GET /users/lookup/), then you could 
    # simply use this value as a guide.
    if max_results == kw['count']:
        page_num = max_pages # Prevent loop entry
    while page_num < max_pages and len(tweets) > 0 and len(results) < max_results:
        # Necessary for traversing the timeline in Twitter's v1.1 API:
        # get the next query's max-id parameter to pass in.
        # See
        kw['max_id'] = min([ tweet['id'] for tweet in tweets]) - 1 
        tweets = make_twitter_request(twitter_api.statuses.user_timeline, **kw)
        results += tweets

        print >> sys.stderr, 'Fetched %i tweets' % (len(tweets),)
        page_num += 1
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Done fetching tweets'

    return results[:max_results]

# Save to MongoDB with save_to_mongo or a local file with save_json...

Helper & WrapUp Functions

In [6]:
#import & export CSV
import csv

def impCSV(input_file):
    input_file = csv with keys: "URL", "Twitter"
    output = list of dictionaries
    f = open(input_file, 'r')
    d = csv.DictReader(f)
    LoD = []   # list of dictionaries
    for row in d:
    return LoD

def saveTimelineAsJSON(username):
    import io, json, datetime
    datestamp ='%Y-%m-%d')
    filename = username + '_TimeLine_' + datestamp + '.json'
    timeLine = harvest_user_timeline(twitter_api, screen_name=username)   # calling the harvesting function
    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
      f.write(unicode(json.dumps(timeLine, ensure_ascii=False)))
    print 'Tweet archive was saved as ' + filename + '.'

def tweetArchive(Twitterfile):
    input: the NatBibTwitter.csv etc. filenames
    output: JSON files with the Tweet archives of each library (last 3,200 Tweets)
    Filenames will be <twitter handle>_TimeLine_<datestamp>.json
    f = impCSV(Twitterfile)
    for e in f:
        n = e['Twitter']                # get Twitter handel of the library
        saveTimelineAsJSON(n)           # harvesting the archive and saving it as json file

Function Call

In [9]:

Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 56 tweets
Encountered 429 Error (Rate Limit Exceeded)
Retrying in 15 minutes...ZzZ...
...ZzZ...Awake now and trying again.
Fetched 0 tweets
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 64 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as bsb_muenchen_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Tweet archive was saved as dnb_aktuelles_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 42 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as sbb_news_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets

In [7]:

Fetched 50 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 174 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ub_oldenburg_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Tweet archive was saved as hsubib_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubhumboldtuni_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 42 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as kitbibliothek_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 54 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as kizuulm_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 43 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as subugoe_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 37 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubbochum_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 54 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as slubdresden_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 129 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as elibbremen_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabihh_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 139 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ub_tu_berlin_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 20 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as tubhh_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 195 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ulbbonn_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 23 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubbayreuth_info_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 12 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ub_bi_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 56 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as unibib_bs_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 6 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ub_wue_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 154 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as unibib_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 88 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubdue_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 128 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ub_fau_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 196 tweets
Fetched 184 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 143 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as tibub_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 58 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubkassel_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 30 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubleipzig_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 143 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubmainz_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 57 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as unibib_mr_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 68 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as ubreg_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 58 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as zbsport_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets

In [8]:

Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 189 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 195 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 48 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 42 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stb_bielefeld_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Tweet archive was saved as stabi_bremen_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Encountered 429 Error (Rate Limit Exceeded)
Retrying in 15 minutes...ZzZ...
...ZzZ...Awake now and trying again.
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 29 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stbessen_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stbibkoeln_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 69 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stadtbueduedorf_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as hoeb4u_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 158 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as bibliothek_wit_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 127 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as mediothek_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabi_erlangen_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 55 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabifr_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 101 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabigoe_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 197 tweets
Fetched 196 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 175 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stbneuss_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 24 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stbsalzgitter_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 195 tweets
Fetched 196 tweets
Fetched 196 tweets
Fetched 198 tweets
Fetched 27 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabiso_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 196 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 122 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as sbchemnitz_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 150 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabiguetersloh_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 41 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabi_mannheim_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 20 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stadtbibliothek_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 142 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stadtbibmg_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 95 tweets
Fetched 0 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as buecherei_ms_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 199 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Fetched 200 tweets
Tweet archive was saved as stabuewuerzburg_TimeLine_2014-04-07.json.
Done fetching tweets

In [ ]: